In the beginning

I’ve always dabbled in a few different crafts, trying new things for a short time – typically for presents, and rarely for myself – before losing inspiration and moving onto something new. I have dipped my fingers into sewing, doll making, jewelry making, sketching, pottery, book binding, creative writing, hand-drawn animation, print making, calligraphy – gosh, where does the list end?

img_0341So when I say I’m surprised to find a passion in embroidery, I really mean I am surprised. Never have I taken such a liking and interest to an art. Practicing is easy; you can bring just a few supplies with you to embroider practically anywhere. There are nearly endless numbers of colors to work with – and as an added benefit, you don’t have to mix any dyes or paints to get the color you want (though I do know some people dye their own thread). But I think my favorite part of embroidery is the textures you can create. The more I read and learn, the more I wonder at all the possibilities that come out of a simple length of string. In fact, there are so many possibilities, it’s impossible to keep everything in my head.

So this will be an archive of sorts of all the things I’ve tried and learned, some blogs or resources I found especially interesting, some moments of inspiration, and also sometimes just other random things. I’ve never kept up a blog for long before, but then I’ve never had a craft quite this enjoyable before.

As you’ll notice I am still very much a beginner, teaching myself as I go along. There are plenty masters out there with amazing blogs talking about their projects and techniques. I hope someday to be counted among them, but for now let’s just have fun.

And so, let the journey commence!
